In-Service Training Practices Conducted in Banks and Exam Success of Personnel


  • Emine Didem Biber Kastamonu Üniversitesi
  • Mehmet Arslan


SPK Basic Licensing Exam, In-Service Training, Bank


In-service trainings in banks are generally carried out in the form of in-class training and distance learning. Considering the fees paid to the instructors, the accommodation expenses of the participants during the training and travel expenses, in-class trainings are high-cost programs for banks. In addition, when evaluated from the perspective of the bank, in-class training periods can be seen as the loss of workforce of the personnel. For this reason, banks have recently benefited from distance education systems in in-service training. In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationship between the CMB Licensing Exam results of August 2012 and their participation in the training programs organized by the bank in preparation for these exams, according to various variables. For this purpose, gender and age range variables of the personnel were also taken into consideration in the study. Relational scanning model was applied in the research. The results of the Basic Finance Mathematics, Valuation Methods, Accounting and Financial Analysis exam results of 1490 personnel who participated in the CMB-Basic Level Licensing Exam of a public bank in August 2012 were taken into consideration in the study. According to the findings obtained, it is seen that the success of the personnel who received in-class training in general is significantly higher than the others. For this reason, it can be recommended that in-service trainings, which are a part of adult education, be conducted in classroom settings where face-to-face training is provided.


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