How Teaching Fraction Word Problems with Digital Storytelling Affects Sixth Grade Students’ Academic Achievement and Motivation
digital storytelling, fractions, sixth grade students, academic achievement, motivationAbstract
Digital storytelling also offers the benefit of being an easy and economical way to create real life scenarios. This advantage might be useful to visualize and materialize fraction word problems in everyday situations. Moreover, digital storytelling might help students understand complex ideas, concepts, or information. Therefore, it might be beneficial for overcoming the difficulties that students encounter while learning fractions. The purpose of the study: considering the effective role of digital storytelling in creating daily life situations and making difficult subjects interesting and easy to learn, we aimed to examine how teaching fraction word problems with digital storytelling affects sixth grade students’ academic performance and motivation.This study is a survey study with quantitative data collection tools and 43 sixth graders from a public school in the Central Anatolia Region constitute the study group for this study.According to findings, digital story-based instruction affected positively the academic achievement of the experimental group. Furthermore, there is a statistical difference between the posttest scores of the experimental andcontrol group (U=122,500; p=0,310>0,05).Thus, it can be deduced that digital story based instruction have a positive effect on academic achievement.
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