Investigation of The ALES Mathematics Questions Subjected By MATH Taxonomy: 2006 – 2013



ALES, MATH taxonomy, learning domain, math questions


Purpose of this survey is to examine the distribution of 2006-2013 ALES all math questions according to learning domains, MATH (Mathematical Assessment Task Hierarchy) taxonomy categories and groups. Investigation is a qualitative, special case work. Data which are obtained from work are analyzed with a qualitative method. Investigation questions consist of 1340 questions in Quantitative - 1 and Quantitative -2 tests. Considering the findings of the survey, it is found that, the questions are mostly from algebra and numbers and process learning domain, but the distribution of questions in tests varies according to learning domains in both of the tests. It is observed that the ability about us age of the routine procedures from at least a group category is required about the distribution of questions according to MATH taxonomy groups and categories. In addition, it is determined that questions are mostly from category of B1- information transfer and B2 – adaptation to new situations. It has been identified that both the MATH taxonomy and the learning domain differ according to years in the ANOVA test.


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